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About Me: Image


Digital Storyteller • Idea Generator • Project Leader • Strategic Thinker

Stories hold real power, and I have always enjoyed sharing my own or helping others tell their own story. 

It was stories that helped me discover the world as a young boy growing up in small-town Alabama. My nose was most often pressed in an atlas, almanac, or cookbook. Despite limited resources, my family, teachers, and friends helped nurture my deep-seated passion for learning about other countries and cultures.  That love of exploring the world led me to study broadcast journalism and international relations. I spent nearly a decade working as a journalist and helping broadcast news organizations establish social media programs to connect with their communities.

I left journalism and answered a call to launch the official social media program for the Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the world's leading research institutions. As one of America's top higher education social media programs has grown, I have also been asked to travel across the country working as a social and digital media consultant, using my expertise to help dozens of corporate and non-profit clients to expand their footprints in more powerful ways. I have also undertaken a master's degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology in global media and culture. With a language concentration in French, I'm researching the world's largest live music broadcast – the Eurovision Song Contest – as a technological mechanism of cultural construction, community building, and globalization. 

All along the way I've continued to call upon the power of a great story. 

About Me: About Me
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